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PVC pipe manufacturing business

Introduction :-  PVC means to Polyvenail chloride pipe. Pvc pipe widely used construction, irrigation, electrical appliances and also water supply. Pvc pipe are of different size, colour & quality. Whose demand is more in the market.  Table of Content :- 1. How to start PVC pipe manufacturing business.  2. Market research. 3. Raw material, cost , where to buy. 4. Machinery and equipment, price, where to buy. 5. Process 6. Location 7. Licence and registration 7.1 Scheme 8. Staff  9. Packaging 10. Cost, investment (overall) 11. Profit  12. Marketing (area & idea) 13. Risk  14. Conclusion 15. FAQ  1. How to start PVC pipe manufacturing business.  PVC pipe manufacturing bussiness को start करने के लिए raw material चाहिए। साथ ही उसके machinery चाहिए। जो की अपने products को बना कर मार्केट तक सेल करने के लिए तैयार कर सके। 2. Market research. किसी भी product को manufacture करके market में sale करने से पहलेे market research करना जरूरी होता है। जिसपे...